Tips for Sustainable Cleaning at Home


Eco-friendly cleaning


Hygiene is a fundamental habit to minimize the chances that our body comes in contact with germs that are dangerous to our health. Personal hygiene is essential to maintain our health, which is reinforced if we also take care of the cleanliness of the environments in which we move and, especially, that of our own home. Germs and bacteria can develop in different places and conditions, but there are certain situations that make their location and transmission more propitious. They tend to develop in the environment under normal temperature conditions, and water and air are their preferred areas to grow and spread.

Any object can become the perfect place for the development of bacteria dangerous to our health. Floors, carpets, furniture, door panels, telephone and even television control can be a refuge for viruses or bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the hygiene of the whole house.

Eco-friendly Cleaning

Cleaning your home in an Eco-friendly way isn’t the easiest thing to do, given the water, electricity and powerful cleaning products it can require. However, with the right sustainable cleaning products you can become more Eco-friendly in cleaning around the house. From learning about cleaning without chemicals to using less energy for washing, here are several sustainable cleaning tips:

  1. Cleaning with lemon as a sustainable cleaning method

A great way to clean without chemicals is harnessing the power of the lemon. If you’re looking for sustainable cleaning products, lemons are ideal due to their antibacterial properties, which makes them great for disinfecting surfaces. Cleaning with lemon is a great idea for even tricky tasks like trying to clean oven without chemicals. The fruit’s acidity cuts through grease and grime. Simply squeeze a lemon and scrub away at grease, gunk and water deposits using a piece of good quality kitchen towel.

  1. Using baking soda for Eco-friendly cleaning

Looking for other natural products to help with difficult cleaning chores, like getting a clean oven without chemicals? Baking soda and lemon cleaning is a good approach, as these two substances work well together. Baking soda’s mildly abrasive properties are ideal for scrubbing pots and pans, cleaning your oven and brightening your toilet bowl and basin. Adding some lemon at the end leaves your home with a fresh, citrusy smell.

  1. Killing mold with vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar cleaning combinations are also common. You can cut through grime with the baking soda before using white vinegar to kill mold. A squirt or two in the right place can work wonders. Alternatively, when it comes to baking soda and vinegar cleaning, combine the two into a paste and apply to any particularly hard to clean areas. Leave for a few minutes then remove. Repeat as required.

  1. Electricity-free Eco-friendly cleaning tools

Vacuum cleaners, power sweepers and electric brushes may be good at general cleaning, but there are more sustainable cleaning options out there. Instead of always reaching for your electrical appliances, save on power by using a broom, dustpan and kitchen paper to sweep away dust and dirt where possible.

  1. Switching from plastic sponges to paper towels for sustainable cleaning

Going straight into a greasy cleaning job can ruin a sponge with one swipe, leaving it to go straight to landfill. Use a piece of strong and absorbent kitchen paper or micro fiber cloths to tackle really dirty, greasy jobs. It’ll soak up the grease and can be thrown straight away with less guilt.

  1. Making homemade air fresheners

You’ve spent all that time engaging in Eco-friendly cleaning, but what about keeping that fresh smell? Just like cleaning without chemicals, you can make your own chemical-free home fragrance with a selection of herbs like lavender and rosemary, tied in a little mesh or muslin bag.

Why Make Your Own Sustainable Cleaning Products?

When it comes to cleaning your home, using sustainable cleaning products is an option that can bring a whole host of benefits. Here are some reasons why you should consider using natural products:

  • It will help you avoid bringing harmful chemicals into your home or releasing them into the wider environment.
  • It will reduce your carbon footprint, by reducing the amount you buy and how far they have to travel to reach you.
  • You can reduce the amount of plastic packaging you bring into your home and move closer to a zero-waste lifestyle. The plastic bottles and other packaging used for household cleaning products are often not recyclable, and even when they are, won’t always be disposed of correctly.
  • If you or anyone in your family has sensitive skin, natural cleaning products can be better to clean with, as well as for washing clothes.
  • Making your own cleaning products can also save you a lot of money.


Going Green with Cleaning Products

Cleaning products are necessary for maintaining attractive and healthful conditions in the home and workplace. In addition, to the obvious aesthetic benefits of cleaning, the removal of dust, allergens, and infectious agents is crucial to maintaining a healthful indoor environment. But cleaning products can present several health and environmental concerns. They may contain chemicals associated with eye, skin, or respiratory irritation, or other human health issues. Additionally, the concentrated forms of some commercial cleaning products are classified as hazardous, creating potential handling, storage, and disposal issues for users.

When purchasing cleaning products, the overall best value considers performance, price, availability, regulatory requirements, and environmental impact. Sustainability is more important than ever for the cleaning products industry as new technology develops and consumers become increasingly conscious of their environmental impact.

Consumers are attracted to a wide variety of product offerings in addition to the effectiveness of the product as well. This is especially true when it comes to getting the job done. Whether it is using traditional cleaning products or Eco-friendly based products, using Eco-friendly products is a viable option.

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